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How to use Coupon Codes in Text Message Campaigns?

Step 1: Upload Coupon Codes.

  • Go to Settings > "Coupon Codes" and click “Upload”
  • Enter the coupon codes (one coupon code per line).
  • Click “Save”

Step 2: Add a coupon to your messages.

  • To add a coupon in an auto-reply message, use data tag [COUPON].


You can use Coupons Codes in the following apps:



*1 coupon code per text message allowed.

*Different promo code will be sent to a subscriber when text in from the same number.   This rule of sending new (different) promo code for each text-in SMS is applied in all apps, such as: Single Texting, Group SMS, Keyword Auto-Replies, etc). EXCEPT only in "Amazon Integration" App.  In the "Amazon Sellers Integration" app the SAME promo code will be sent to a unique mobile number to avoid subscribers receiving different promo codes for the same order. (Amazon Already Validated Orders auto-reply flow).

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