
Questions? We have answers.

What type of text number will work for you?

sms Toll-Free Number –TFNs

Let’s Clear the Confusion and help you pick the right one.

Toll-Free Number –TFNs

Most popular! Great way to start texting immediately. Provided for FREE with every ProTexting account. Good for everyone who wants to set up text message campaigns right away.

SMS marketing
SMS keyword
Dedicated Short Code

By far the best and most effective text number. 5 to 6 digits short code. Great for high volume ultra-fast texting. Usually utilized by larger organizations and businesses. Requires bigger budget.

Local High Volume Phone Numbers (10DLCs)

Great for more personal and localized text messages. Our clients can pick the local area code of the 10-digit long code. If you need higher throughput messaging gateway this is a great option for you.

marketing SMS
Long code
Text-enable Your Own Land Line

Do you have a voice line? This option is great for text enabling your exiting business land line. Let clients call you or text you and receive all.

Total votes: 1
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