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App - Text4Feedback

Offer your client/fan base the opportunity to send a personal message to a screen up on the stage, a digital screen somewhere else, or simply a webpage. The text message will be displayed for everyone to see.

  1. Go to Apps > Run Campaigns.
  2. In My Apps, click on “Text Feedback”.
  3. To begin click 'Create New Campaign'.
  4. First choose the keyword associated with your campaign. Next choose the Feedback title for the campaign. Following that choose the number of feedback messages in the feed.
  5. Once you click Save, you will be able to choose a custom logo for your feedback campaign
  6. Once you have your logo, click Upload. After upload, click back to list.
  7. You are able to see the details of your feedback, you can play the feedback, you can edit your feedbacks, view the inbox of the people who sent the messages, forward the messages, and Get Display URL which is the link to sharing your feedback live feed.
  8. Once you are done with your feedback, Release the keyword, and you will not be able to receive any more feedback messages. They will get the auto-reply message of the original one used for the keyword.

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