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Text Etiquette

Mobile marketing is at the core of our expertise, we help clients to be as effective as possible with text messaging, and we offer you three simple guidelines regarding “Text Etiquette.”

First, is your message appropriate to send through text?  Hirings, firings, serious business discussions, romantic spats and breakups, and even marriage proposals are best handled face-to-face.  Personal texts shouldn’t be sent during work hours and for the most part work-related texts shouldn’t be sent after hours unless an urgent situation is occurring.  If it is an emergency, the text is most welcome.

Second, always consider your target audience, for example the recipient of your message and ask yourself, are they in a time and place where they will want to receive your message?  Are they in a place where they can respond to your message?  Is your message critical enough that you need a rapid response? Make it clear that a reply is not always needed.  The last thing you want to do is to put someone in the position of having to text you repeatedly while they are in the company of other people, at a social event or a private club. Let them know they can respond to your text message with a phone call.


Third, is your message important enough to text? If you text what is only ordinary and mundane, you will lose your audience, and they might even take your messages for granted and ignore them.  Your text message should be important enough to either benefit or inform your recipient.

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