
Questions? We have answers.

Opt IN, Opt OUT, and HELP

Mobile Marketing companies must offer their client the opportunity to join and cancel the service whenever they choose and also should have a way of helping the client if they do not understand how to work with text message marketing.

Subscribers at any time can if they want to sign-up for companies text messaging updates by:

  • Sending the Keyword of the company to their Short Code.

A subscriber must be able to cancel their participation of receiving unwanted messages from any subscription by:

  • Sending STOP to our Short Code.
  • ProTexting sends "txtSTOP2end"
As the user of Text Message Marketing, you should always want to make sure your clients understand what they are receiving. When you interact with clients, they begin to become and stay loyal. If your clients have any questions, you should be there to assist them, an easy way you can show your subscribers you are there to help them is by:
  • Adding "txtHELPforhelp" at the end of your Auto-Reply message or at the end of the single/group message you are sending out.

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