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App - Mobile Coupons

Mobile Coupons are used to boost sales by giving a discount through your participants mobile devices.

  1. Go to Apps > Campaign Tools.
  2. In My Apps, click on “Mobile Coupons”.
  3. To begin click 'New Campaign', There are three choices of coupons to choose from:
    Redeemable Coupons is a unique coupon code created through our system and you can keep track using your ProTexting account.
    Single Coupon Code includes a custom code that you as the user put into the coupon that can be used more than once.
    Custom Mobile Coupons is when you have a custom list of codes and would like to use your ProTexting account.
  4. Choose a keyword for your Mobile Coupon. EX: Coupon
  5. Next, choose the coupon name (This is not visible by your recipients but you will make it easier to manage in the future) EX: February 9 35% Off
  6. Choose whether it will be an ongoing coupon or for a fixed period of time, if you choose fixed period you must choose a date and time for it to end.
  7. Next, the Coupon length varies on how many coupons you will produce, the higher the length the more coupons you would produce. (We recommend 4-5 Characters)
  8. The Coupon type will tell if you will be counting by numerical or alpha-numerical, if you choose alpha-numerical you will be able to produce more coupons.
  9. Next choose the number of coupons you would like to produce. EX: 100 Coupons
  10. In the auto-reply message the coupon code will automatically be inserted but you can also add something to the message. EX: Show this coupon to the cashier to redeem 35% off all purchases.
  11. Once completed, click Save. Now you are ready to begin giving out your KEYWORD to your participants to redeem the coupon.

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