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How to setup coupons codes and data tags in SMS Auto-Replies?

It is easy and simple.  Just add ANY promo codes from your Amazon, Shopify or any other platform. Set the SMS Auto-Replies on auto-pilot. Boost revenue and reviews!

To add a coupon in an auto-reply message, use data tag [COUPON] or any other custom data tags you create in your “Coupon Codes” section to group your coupons. Currently, these are the apps compatible with the Coupon Feature: Send Group SMS and MMS, Send Single SMS and MMS, "Auto-Reply Messages", "Text-to-Win (Sweepstakes)" and "Amazon Integrations"

SMS Auto-Replies

IMPORTANT information for Amazon Sellers: promo codes used in "Amazon Integrations" with the promo code data tags will send only UNIQUE promo codes per number per amazon order.  Example, if subscriber sends their ORDER ID and the system validates it, then the auto-reply message will send a unique promo code.  If the same participants send the same message (either keyword or MMS ratings & reviews submitted flows), we will send the same unique promo code.  This way, participants will receive ONLY one unique promo code which will be associated with their valid ORDER ID and mobile number. If subscriber sends another valid order, the flow will be reset and new promo code will be sent.

  • The SMS Coupon Code funnel works the same way for ALL amazon auto-replies: Valid Orders, Already Validated Orders, Not Valid Orders AND Auto-Reply Messages by Amazon Reviews & Star Ratings in MMS.
  • It DOES NOT work for "Trigger SMS Keywords".
  • Only 1 coupon code per text message is allowed.


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